Travel is important to us. We help travelers every day secure their passports and visas, so we are constantly talking about travel and dreaming about travel. Some travel for work, and some for pleasure. Some even travel for education. Fortunately you can travel for a bit of all three. These five countries are for the history buffs of the travel world. The US Passport is your ticket to see the world.


Another country found in South Asia, this is the second-most populous place in the world. But do not be turned off with this information because the number of people the country holds is as many as the number of historical stories the country has. The country is rich in religious history because of the 4 religions that originated in the country: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. India is considered a developing country despite the rise in their economic status. The residents of India up to this date still stick to their ancient practices. They have a diverse religion, culture, practices and cuisine.


Egypt is officially known as the Arab Republic of Egypt. The country is also highly populated but this does not affect the rich history that the country is proud known for. It is believed that civilization started in Egypt. The ancient residents have experienced urbanization, commercialization and other modern practices. Popular sites that can be visited in Egypt are the Giza Necropolis and its Great Sphinx, the ruins from the different reign of kings, the Nile river and the pyramids. Due to the popular and iconic monuments in the country, the interest of archeologists and historians have been focused in this place. At present, Modern Egypt has significantly contributed to the military, cultural and political influence in North Africa and the Middle East.


The Philippines is an archipelago with 1,707 islands. It is a small country located in South East Asia. Aside from the thousands of places you can visit in the country and the warm and hospitable people to meet, the Philippines has a wide and deep historical background that you can learn from. The country does not have very strict immigration and foreign travel policies so it is easy to visit the place with just a US passport. They have been colonized by the Spaniards, the by the Japanese, until they have been reigned upon by the Americans. The Philippines have rich cultural backgrounds and up until this day, there are still local minority ethnic groups in the country that have not been affected by modernization.


Known as the Hellas during the ancient times, it is presently and officially known as the Hellenic Republic. It has been said that Greece is the birthplace of many historical events such as democracy, Olympic Games, politics, etc. Aside from the breathtaking views and beautiful buildings and infrastructures in the country, Greece offers rich historical backgrounds and interesting literature. The legacy of the country is reflected with it being part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. If you get your passport ready, you can visit Greece and get to be in the land where gods were known to once roam.


Everyone knows how rich the culture and the history of Italy is. This country offers numerous historical infrastructures and literary pieces. It plays a significant role in terms of military, political and economical affairs of the European government. Italy is the home of well known artists and is one of the biggest contributors in literature.