A traveler does not only visit a foreign place to see the view, the buildings and to meet new people, but also to discover more about the place and the culture of the locals. Food and cuisine are a vital parts of everyone’s culture anywhere in the world. Each country has their special and distinct food, like the different herbs and spices included in the dishes in Asian countries, or the use of wine and cheese in European countries. Since you are already in a foreign place, do not opt for a safe decision and eat at fast foods or common food establishments. Try the delicacies and the unique foods each country has to offer.

Here are 10 countries a foodie must add to their travel plans:


If you love that strong taste from different spices, then the food of India is a must-try for you. Some of the dishes in the country have at least 25 different spices in it, including black pepper, cumin and coriander. Their chicken curry or curry dishes are to die for, with that tangy and spicy twist. They also offer sweet dishes that may contain nuts, like almonds and cashew, and dried fruits, like raisin and prunes. The food in the country has a wide variety both for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike.


This is the go-to place if you love fresh seafood mixed with another of the country’s staple food, which is rice. The ingredients, method of preparation, and the way the food is eaten are all part of the culture of Japan and go a long way in history. The most popular dish in Japan is the Sushi, but there are also other things to try, like the traditional Ramen, Sashimi and Tempura. Eating raw foods can be scary for some people but once you try it, you will definitely love it. This is one of the best things you can include in your travel itinerary.


The Mexican dishes you see in commercial establishments and restaurants are far different from the ones locally made and cooked. Mexican cuisine offers spicy foods with a number of seasoning and sauces. Their most famous dishes are Tortillas, Enchiladas, Carnitas, etc.


Argentina is a place to go for all those meat lover foodie travelers out there. The dishes are a blend of Mediterranean and Indigenous practices using the abundant ingredients found in the country, which includes livestock and agricultural products. The must dry dishes include asada, parilladas and the chimichurri sauce among others.


This is another country that loves spicy dishes and prepare these dishes fast. Their dishes can be found in the streets and market of Bangkok and you have a very wide variety of dishes unique in the country. Some of the most famous dishes from the country includes pad thai, som tam, Thai fried rice, etc.


France offers a wide array of classic foods. The dishes include cheese, breads and wine. Food is a very important part of the French culture and they pay particular attention not only to the taste of the food but also in the presentation that represents sophisticated techniques. One of the best travel tips when in France is to try out as much restaurants and cafes as possible.


Pasta. Pasta. More Pasta. Pasta and tomato-based sauces were invented in Italy. Each area or region in the country has a good and unique dish to offer. Other traditional foods from the country include pizza, lasagne, bruschetta, etc.


The best place to eat Middle-East cuisine would be in Lebanon. They offer dishes that include meat and vegetables mixed and cooked in a distinct way with unique flavors. The country also loves to use spices in their dishes, just like other countries in Asia.


You will find everything that is Mediterranean in Greece. The dishes are light and incorporated with fresh seafood, vegetables and fruits. Some areas include cheese in their dishes. Some of the must try dishes would be the Greek salad, lentil soups and their stuffed squid.


Germany is popular for their beer, pork, sauerkraut and sausages. The dishes they serve are rich tasting and can be heavy in the stomach, but this will not stop you from asking for more. They have a wide range of sausages and flavors to offer.