Getting a Passport for the first time

Getting your first US Passport is a very exciting time – a time when the doors to the world abroad are opened to you. In an increasingly global society, it is vital to know what is needed to gain the ticket to the world outside The United States. Our hope is that this post will assist people in joining the global community.
Requirements for a new US Passport (Adult):
– Birth Certificate (original) if born in The US, or original naturalization certificate if born abroad
– Copy (front & back) of driver’s license that has been valid for at least 6 months
– Copy (frint & back) of social security card
– Original marriage certificate if married
– Original divorce decree if divorced
– Old passport (if available)
Requirements for a new US Passport (Child):
– Birth Certificate (original) if born in The US, or original naturalization certificate if born abroad
– Social security card or number
– Both parents’ driver’s license/non-driver’s ID – valid longer than 6 months (or passports)
– Old passport (if available)
** In order to expedite a first time passport for both children and adults, applicants must provide proof of international travel, displaying the applicant’s name and date of travel.