Proof of Travel Plans to Expedite a Passport

Proof of Travel Plans to Expedite a Passport
Proof of Travel Plans are required for all expedited passports. There is no way around the proof of travel plans requirement. This is required by the U.S. Department of State in order to issue an expedited passport. You can only renew an adult passport if the old passport is less than five years expired, is not lost, stolen, or damaged, and was issued when the applicant was 16 or older.
Applicants must provide two copies of one of the following travel documents below proving your international travel within 14 days of this application submission.
Acceptable Proof of Foreign travel:
- Plane ticket / Hotel Confirmation
- Travel itinerary from a travel agent or online booking (E-Ticket)
- Business letter from your employer. Click here for a sample business letter or scroll to the bottom of the page for more info.
- (Note: Business letters are accepted on a case by case basis by the U.S. Department of State. We always recommend that the applicant have a confirmed travel itinerary or hotel confirmation. Include travel dates in the business letter.)
IMPORTANT: Travel plans must go inside of the hand carry envelope when you appear at the acceptance agent. Please review our instructional checklists carefully if this sentence does not make sense to you!
For Employment or Identification Purposes
You cannot expedite a passport exclusively for your job or potential employment opportunities. You will still need to provide proof of travel to expedite. This is a government requirement so you should include flight itinerary or e-tickets, etc. If you cannot provide this, a business letter must be very specific with travel dates and on official business letterhead and signed.
For Driving Plans (Mexico and Canada)
You can write a brief statement to the U.S. Department of State Philadelphia Passport Office. Please use the format below:
U.S Dept of State
To Whom It May Concern:
I (YOUR NAME) will be traveling to (COUNTRY YOU ARE VISITING) on the (DATE OF TRAVEL). I will be crossing the border of (BORDER) by (MEANS OF TRAVEL). The reason and purpose of my trip is (REASON FOR TRAVEL). Can you please expedite my passport application so I can travel abroad. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (YOUR PHONE NUMBER).
Sample Business Letter for Proof of Travel Plans
Applicants that are traveling for business and do not have flights or itineraries already booked may use a business letter as proof of travel plans. While there is no guarantee that a passport will be approved based on a business letter, the more official it is (with estimated travel dates included), the more likely it will be approved. The letter should be on company letterhead. It should also be signed by an official in your company other than yourself.
The business letter should include the purpose of the trip, the destination, and an explanation as to why you are unable to provide an itinerary. Include the earliest date that you must have your passport. Use our sample business letter template below. Please be sure to include travel dates.
Business Letter
U.S. Passport Agency
376 Hudson Street
New York, NY
<today’s date> January 1, 1900
To Whom It May Concern,
We are currently making arrangements for <applicants name> to travel to <name of foreign country> in order to <state the nature of the business to be conducted>. The tentative dates for this trip are <enter a date within the next 2 weeks>. As it is our company policy we cannot make any travel plans until we have his/her passport number. We would greatly appreciate your help in getting <applicant’s name>‘s passport expedited.
If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact us at <enter a contact number>
U.S. Passport Agency
376 Hudson Street
New York, NY
<today’s date> January 1, 1900
To Whom It May Concern
Our <organization / school> is currently arranging a trip to go to <state the name of foreign destination country> in <travel month>. We cannot make any arrangements until we have <applicant’s name>‘s passport number. The cutoff date to make the arrangements is <state a date within the next 2 weeks>. We would greatly appreciate your help in getting <applicant’s name> passport expedited.
If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact at <enter a contact number>
Proof of Travel Plans is an important step in expediting a passport application. Be sure to take your time completing the documents and follow our instructional checklist carefully. Any errors on your application will delay the processing of your new passport.