Requirements for Proof of International Travel for Expedited Passports

In order to expedite a new adult’s or new child’s passport through Fastport Passport, you will need to provide with your documents Proof of International Travel in the name of the passport applicant, showing that the adult (aged 16 or older) or child applying for an expedited passport is leaving the United States within 14 days or less from the date that the applicant’s documents arrive at our Coney Island Avenue office.
The three key pieces of information that are needed on proof of international travel are:
- Passport applicant’s name
- The date of international travel- this date must be in 14 days or less from the date that your documents are received by us.
- The destination country
Proof of International Travel is most commonly submitted in the form of an airline itinerary, or photocopy of a plane ticket in the passport applicant’s name. This is the preferred form of proof of travel by the United States Department of State.
If the passport applicant is not flying out of the U.S. (i.e., traveling to Canada or Mexico by car), proof of international travel may be submitted in the form of a hotel reservation in the passport applicant’s name.
If the passport applicant does not have an airline itinerary or hotel reservation because s/he is traveling for business, his or her boss or superior may submit a typed and HAND-SIGNED letter on official company letterhead on behalf of the applicant. Our website has a business letter template, or the letter-writer can follow the formatting below:
Company Name
123 Business Address Ave, Suite #123 ● City, State, Zip Code ●
Phone (321) 555-1234 ● Fax (123) 555-5678 ●
To The U.S. Department of State or Whom It May Concern:
We are currently making arrangements for <passport applicants name> to travel to <name of destination city and foreign country> in order to <state the nature of the business to be conducted>. The tentative dates for this trip are <enter a date within the next 2 weeks in which to leave the U.S., and an expected return date>. We would greatly appreciate your help in getting <applicant’s name>’s passport expedited as quickly as possible in time for this planned trip.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, <letter writer’s name and title> at <direct business telephone number, email address, and personal telephone number>.
Letter must be printed and Hand-Signed by letter-writer
Typed Signature
If you are traveling to Canada or Mexico by car, are not staying in a hotel, not traveling for business reasons, but are staying at the residence of a friend or family member, you can have the friend of family member that you are staying with type and hand-sign a letter on your behalf following the same general template as the Business Letter above. The letter-writer should also take a front and back photo-copy of his/her ID to prove his/her identity. This letter can be scanned into the letter-writer’s computer after it is hand-signed, and emailed to the passport applicant to serve as proof of travel.
NOTE: Do NOT allow the letter writer to fax their letter to you. Faxes typically print out in a blurry manner, and are almost always rejected by the U.S. Department of State when they are issuing expedited passports and reviewing the applicant’s proof of international travel. If the letter-writer cannot deliver you the original signed copy of the letter, a scanned and emailed copy of the letter will typically suffice.
If you have any questions about how to obtain an expedited new adult’s passport, a new child’s passport, or an expedited passport renewal, please call or visit one of our locations, or log on to our website to chat live with a passport expert Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm Eastern Time.