If you have not booked a flight and cannot do so until the last minute, you can submit a business letter explaining the circumstances. The letter should be on company letterhead, signed by an official in your company other than yourself. The letter should state the purpose of your trip, where you are traveling, explain why you are not able to provide an itinerary and give the earliest date by which you must have your passport. You are allowed to submit a photocopy or fax of this letter. The business letter should be as detailed as possible and is accepted on a case by case basis.


Business Letter
U.S. Passport Agency
376 Hudson Street
New York, NY
Janary 1, 1900

To Whom It May Concern,

We are currently making arrangements for to travel to in order to . The tentative dates for this trip are . As it is our company policy, we cannot make any travel plans until we have his/her passport number. We would greatly appreciate your help in getting <applicant's name>‘s passport expedited.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Sign Organization


U.S. Passport Agency
376 Hudson Street
New York, NY
Janary 1, 1900

To Whom It May Concern,

Our is currently arranging a trip to go to in . We cannot make any arrangements until we have <applicant's name>‘s passport number. The cut off date to make the arrangements is . We would greatly appreciate your help in getting <applicant's name> passport expedited.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at
