Summer Olympics 2012 in London – Are You Prepared?

Happy Friday everyone!

As you know, the 2012 Summer Olympics are being held in London, from July 27th to August 12th. This enormous tourist event is now right around the corner. If you are attending the Summer Games this year- or have any other international travel plans for the summer- you need to be sure that your passport, visas and all of your other essential documents are in order in time for your trip.

One of the most common problems that our customers face when traveling internationally is that they discover that their passports are damaged in some way. If your passport has gone through the wash, been dropped and dirtied, or in some other way changed from its original appearance, it may be too damaged for the officials at U.S. and other countries’ Customs to allow through. If you realize that your passport has been damaged in any way, you can easily replace it through our convenient user-friendly website.

Similarly, if your passport has been lost or stolen, you can use our fast and stress-free service to secure a replacement.

If you are going to London for the 2012 Olympics, or anywhere else outside of the United States this summer, you may need a Visa for an extended stay. Whether you are traveling abroad as a student, for business, or just for a long vacation, at Fastport Passport we secure Visas for our customers traveling overseas.

Another important thing to remember before you travel abroad is that most countries require that your passport is valid for at least 3-6 months after your stay. If your passport is close to expiring and you are planning on traveling internationally soon, please be sure to renew it with us using our hassle-free expedited service.

If you have any questions or concerns about your passport, please contact us in person, over the phone, or with our live online customer service representatives and passport experts, Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Have a great weekend everyone, and thank you for working with us at Fastport Passport!